RCN/Wireless Acceptable Use Policy

Be aware that the use of ANY wireless enabled access devices (such as hotspots, wireless routers, and wireless printers) can adversely affect the campus wireless for you and your neighbors.  It is highly recommended that you turn off the wireless access on devices that don't need to have it on.

  1. Anything that will disrupt other peoples’ use of the resources is prohibited.
  2. Use of the network to do anything illegal is prohibited. This includes sharing or distributing copyrighted software, copyrighted MP3 files and/or distribution of virus material.
  3. Providing services of any kind to off campus is prohibited. This connection is provided for you to use as a client to obtain services provided by non-RCN subscribers. Certain Tech authorized services can be provided, on campus only, for your personal use. Examples of this include ssh, telnet, ftp, and http, so you may access your machine from on campus. Examples of unauthorized services are PC Anywhere and online game servers that are accessible from off campus.
  4. Connecting any computer to an external network and an RCN port is prohibited. This includes voice and data services.
  5. Use of excessive bandwidth is prohibited. Using 10% of the available bandwidth 5% of any given time is considered excessive bandwidth.
  6. Use of the network for commercial purposes is prohibited. Running and/or supporting a business from your computer is prohibited.
  7. Port scanning and/or other network scanning is prohibited.
  8. Modifying the existing network wiring is prohibited. If you have a problem with your network port, follow these troubleshooting steps or contact ITC at x5700.
  9. The user takes full responsibility for any additional networking equipment attached to the network ports (such as hotspots/routers/gateways). A user may not extend access to any third party with your router/gateway and are libel for any misuse and/or problems that may arise from the use of such an intermediary device. Possible repercussions might include disabling of network access, charging for ITC’s time and disciplinary action.
  10. Abusive behavior such as stalking, spamming etc. towards other users is prohibited.
  11. The assigned IP address must be used for the duration  of the network connection.
  12. The network’s primary objective is to provide students with an educational resource. Online games are not considered educational and they will not be given priority as a network issue.
  13. Any infraction(s) COULD result in forfeiture of the use of the RCN/Wireless access and/or the denial of future usage.
  14. Any inappropriate behavior will be reported to the proper authorities for action.
  15. Tampering with/destroying communications equipment installed in a residence may result in a repair fee charged to your student account.
  16. Since your New Mexico Tech email is our primary means of contact, you must have an NMT email account for the length of your connection. If we find that it was been closed or terminated, your port will be disabled until the account is reactivated.
  17. ITC reserves the right to keep a secure infrastructure. This may include port scanning, traffic monitoring and logging, and security/threat analysis.
  18. This agreement may be changed at any time by ITC. Check http://fd.michaelandnatalia.com/itc/rcnpolicy.php for updates.