
Communication, Liberal Arts, Social Sciences


Dr. 玛丽Dezember is an English professor whose areas of expertise are poetry, the visual arts, and American literature. In 2012, she published a collection of her poetry titled “Earth-Marked Like You.

Dezember earned her bachelor’s in English Composition at the University of Evansville. She earned her master’s and Ph.D. 从 University of Indiana in Comparative Literature.


拉斐尔Lara-Martinez is a professor of Latin American literature and Spanish. 拉斐尔 Lara-Martinez has studied linguistics anthropology and Latin American literature in 墨西哥,法国和美国. 他已经 published in Australia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, 意大利,墨西哥和美国. He is widely published and has won numerous awards, including the Distinguished 研究 Award at NMT in 2003.

Lara-Martinez specializes in the indigenous languages of Central American and literature – both modern and historic – of the same region. 他赢得了 his bachelor’s in linguistic anthropology 从 Escuela Nacional de Antropologiz  Historia in Mexico. 他赢得了 他的Ph值.D. in Latin American Literature 从 University of North Carolina. 他已经 student extensively in France as well.


Doug Dunston

Doug Dunston is a professor of music and the music program Director at NMT. 他进行 orchestral and choral concerts, operettas, and musical theatre, and teaches courses in Music, Creativity, and Interdisciplinary Problem Solving. 他已经 conducted orchestral performances in the US (Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra, Claremont Concert Orchestra, Animas Music Festival in Durango, Colorado), Austria and Hungary.


罗萨里奥Durao is an assistant professor of technology communication at NMT. 她的研究 centers on international professional communication, information design and data visualization, 科学技术&T)研究,和复杂性. She is the co-director of the Humanizing Technology research project and director of its Visualizing STEM 研究 集群的协同作用. She is also the founding editor of connexions • international professional 通信杂志.

She earned her bachelor’s and master’s 从 University of Lisbon (Portugal). 她的 Ph.D. is in translation studies 从 Open University in Portugal.


伊丽莎白Kramer-Simpson is an assistant professor and the director of the bachelor’s 在技术交流中. She teaches Technical Writing and Introduction to Technical Communication at ag亚游集团App下载. 她的研究 interests focus on pedagogical techniques that lead to learning such as written response to student writing.

Kramer-Simpson earned her bachelor’s 从 University of Iowa and her master’s 从 University of Wisconsin. 她获得了博士学位.D. in English Compositional Studies 从 University of New Hampshire.


史蒂夫·辛普森 is an associate professor of technical communication. 他教课程 in science and technical communication and English as a Second Language. 他是 on the CCCC Committee on Second Language Writing, a national committee advising writing programs on how to meet the needs of multilingual students in higher education.

Simpson earned his master’s 从 University of Cincinnati and 他的Ph值.D. 从 University of New Hampshire in English Composition Studies.


泰勒Dotson teaches interdisciplinary social science courses concerning the culture and politics of science and technology. His topics of expertise include environmental problems, industrial accidents, the barriers to achieving a saner technological civilization, and the shaping power of dominant technologies on everyday life.

His doctoral research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute examined the relationship between technology and communal life, exploring the possibilities for realizing artifacts and systems better compatible with “thick” community. Dotson is a graduate of NMT, earning his bachelor’s and master’s in the Mathematics Department.


杰西的牧师 is an assistant professor of English, helps direct the NMT Writing Center and teaches courses in college writing and technical communication. 研究方向 focus on Writing Center Studies, as well as the relationship between academic knowledge and public engagement, particularly with regard to how scientists talk to people outside 他们的学科. He is also interested in writing assessment and composition 教育学.

Priest earned his bachelor’s in English and History at the University of Maine and his master’s in English Composition and Rhetoric at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. 他获得了博士学位.D. at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.